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Ancestral Genetics Mouflons of Giglio

Giglio Mouflons: Scientific Study Reveals Ancestral DNA, Elsewhere Lost

28 July 2022 Cesare Scarfo' GiglioNews

Scientists conclude that Giglio mouflons have a high conservation priority and should not be eradicated, but rather safeguarded as a unique element of Biodiversity.

Mouflon of Giglio, a protected species

They are slaughtering Giglio's mouflon, a protected species

27 Nov 2023Cesare Scarfo'- GiglioNews

"A recent study has revealed that this small nucleus of mouflons, established for conservation purposes, is descended from Sardinian mouflons and is therefore classifiable as belonging to the species "Ovis gmelini musimon," or Tyrrhenian Mouflon, a species protected by the law and defined as vulnerable by the IUCN's "Red List"."

Muflone del Giglio, catturato con un laccio

Giglio Mouflon Trapping with Snares: High Mortality Rate

08 Feb 2023Cesare Scarfo'- GiglioNews

"With a capture mortality rate estimated at around 20 percent, the use of the ties used in the Park Authority's "LIFE LetsGo Giglio" project is causing significant death and damage to mouflon, setting up the possible crime of mistreatment with the aggravating factor of causing the death of the animal."



September 3, 2021 Cesare Scarfo'- SaveGiglio.orgGiglioNews

Independent scientists, veterinarians and experts in the field of island wildlife describe the effect of such a massive amount of "brodifacoum" dispersed into the environment as an "ecological disaster."

News Archive

Two male mouflons in the historic reserve

Mouflons: Associations make extraordinary appeal to the President of the Republic

02 December 2023Staff WriterGiglio News

"Prominent professors and scholars from the Catholic Universities of the Sacred Heart in Piacenza, Sassari and Siena pointed out in a major study published in August 2022 in the prestigious scientific journal Diversity that the mouflons brought to Tuscany in its time are now the only ones that retain some of the original genetic characteristics of the Sardinian population of that species. Since there are no domestic sheep in Giglio with which the mouflons can mate and, therefore, give rise to interbreeding, the Giglio mouflon has pure genetic and phenotypic characteristics now lost in other places where the mouflon is protected, such as Sardinia, Cyprus and Corsica. This makes the Giglio mouflon a vital genetic reservoir for the biodiversity of the species and especially for the conservation of the endangered Sardinian population."

Mouflon of Giglio - Protected Species

Animal welfare associations warn the Tuscany Region against continuing with the extermination of the extremely rare Giglio mouflon. There is a risk of "environmental disaster”.

29 November 2023Gilda GiustiFirenze Post

"The regional resolution, issued in August, appears to violate agreements made between the Tuscan Archipelago Park Authority (PNAT) and animal welfare associations, which provided for the suspension of the mouflon's culling in favor of its translocation to various refuges in Italy. Furthermore, the resolution ignores recent scientific findings regarding the genetic uniqueness of the Giglio mouflon and its inestimable value for biodiversity." Piera Rosati, President of LNDC Animal Protection ... "Despite the fact that the Tuscany Region is formally a partner in the project, it issued in summer 2022 and August 2023 two resolutions that allowed the mouflon to be hunted on Giglio, in total violation of the agreements made between the Park and the associations."

Mouflon of Giglio - Stop the Massacre


29 November 2023Gilda GiustiFirenze Post

BRAMBILLA, "Two years later," Brambilla continues, "however, I am sad to see how the culling of these animals has resumed in full swing. This is a doubly wrong decision: not only because it takes the lives of innocent animals, but also because the Giglio mouflons possess unique genetic variants that are no longer present in the source population, which is the Sardinian one. Killing them therefore means losing a valuable heritage, which can no longer be recovered."

Mouflon and Policemen

Mouflons on Giglio Island, Brambilla: "Stop the slaughter now, save the last ones left"

29 November 2023Alessandro SalaCorriere della Sera

"An unprecedented extermination operation," stresses the Guardians of the Mouflon Association ... "The hunters," they explain, "are assisted by an unprecedented deployment of law enforcement, which facilitates them in culling the last remaining specimens.

Mouflon, ENPA


28 November

“ENPA's legal department, which in recent days had already issued a warning to the Tuscany Region asking it to stop the killing of mouflons on Giglio Island, is considering the possibility of proceeding for environmental damage."

Mouflons of Giglio, IUCN Red List

"They are slaughtering Giglio's mouflons, a protected species"

27 November 2023Cesare Scarfo', SaveGiglio.orgGiglioNews

"For Giglio's mouflons, genetic studies have led to an important revelation: instead of mouflons from continental Europe, Giglio's mouflons have been genetically identified as the species Ovis gmelini musimon, a protected and vulnerable species. But the Giglio mouflon slaughter continues, despite everything, and is passed off as 'normal hunting."

Stop the extermination of the mouflons of Giglio

"Stop the extermination of mouflons on Giglio Island"

25 November 2023Staff Writer La ZampaLa Stampa

“"An unprecedented extermination operation has been shaking Giglio Island (Grosseto) since Thursday morning, where select hunters assisted by an unprecedented deployment of law enforcement agencies have been shooting at the few remaining mouflon." This is the complaint of 'The Guardians of the Mouflons'."

Trails closed for mouflon culling

National Park closes some trails on Giglio Island to allow mouflon culling

15 November 2023Staff

“The president of the Tuscan Archipelago National Park, Gianpiero Sammuri ...issued Ordinance No. 1 dated Nov. 15, 2023 on some trails on Giglio Island, which "Disciplines access to areas in the Tuscan Archipelago National Park where mouflon management activities are underway as part of the Life Letsgo Giglio project."

Massacre of the Mouflons of Giglio

"Massacre of mouflons at Giglio Island." Animal rights activists furious, it's controversy again

08 November 2023Staff WriterLa Nazione

"No one even considers the studies and recent scientific findings that highlight the genetic uniqueness of Giglio's mouflons. They count EU money to eradicate mouflons, granted on the basis of the flimsy and partisan LetsGo Giglio project.".

They are killing the mouflons of Giglio

Environmentalists, '19 mouflons killed on Giglio island'

08 November 2023Staff Writer ANSAANSA

“We know that 19 have already been killed, about half of the population still on the island. Vitadacani, the Network of Free Animal Sanctuaries and Centro La Ninna are calling for the immediate revocation of selection hunting and after denouncing the president of the Park Authority announce that they will also denounce the president of the Tuscany Region Giani for environmental disaster if he does not stop the slaughter of animals."

Hunters are Exterminating the Mouflons of Giglio

“Hunters are exterminating the mouflons on the island of Giglio; they have already killed 19, half of the total." This is the complaint of animal rights activists

08 November 2023Florence Staff WritersLa Repubblica

"By entrusting the killing to selection-hunters, the Tuscan Archipelago Park has found a way to succeed in its despicable goal of eradicating mouflons without doing it directly. And it is the Tuscany Region that allows and facilitates the task by sending the hunters," Sara d'Angelo continues. "No one even considers the studies and recent scientific discoveries that highlight the uniqueness from a genetic point of view of the Giglio mouflons."

Mouflons of Giglio - The Genetic Mising Link

Giglio Mouflons: The Unexpected "Missing Evolutionary Link"

14 July 2023Cesare Scarfo' for SaveGiglio.orgGiglioNews

“Dr. Mereu explains with great clarity the uniqueness and incredible naturalistic importance of this population, which was brought to Giglio back in 1955 at the behest of three of the leading naturalists of the time and consists of pure wild mouflons, free of contamination from domesticated animals. These mouflons, unique among all, preserve an absolute genetic integrity that identifies them as the "missing link," that is, of conjunction between the primitive Neolithic populations of mouflons that arrived in the Mediterranean Basin and the oldest populations still present in Sardinia.

Mouflon of Giglio - Paolo Mereu

Giglio Mouflons: The Unexpected "Missing Evolutionary Link"

14 July 2023Dr. Paolo MereuNational Conference LAV

“Per comprendere ciò che l’Ente Parco sta terminando di estinguere dall’Isola del Giglio, alleghiamo questo breve video estratto dal Congresso Nazionale LAV 2023. Speaking is Dr. Paolo Mereu, professor of Evolutionary Genetics at the University of Sassari, co-author of the study published in the international journal Diversity entitled: "Islands as Time Capsules for Genetic Conservation: The Case of the Giglio Island Mouflon." In describing this unexpected scientific discovery, Dr. Mereu also recounts the joy and exultation of the research team that conducted the study when these first incredible, and in some ways unexpected and absolutely astonishing results emerged. The data by the way, confirms the Sardinian origin of the Giglio mouflon and as such places them under the protection of the Law.""

Mouflon FNOB TV

No all'abbattimento dei mufloni del Giglio. Conferenza dei biologi per la Giornata della biodiversità.

23 May 2023Federazione Nazionale Degli Ordini dei BiologiFNOB TV

VIDEO 6 Minutes: "While the Sardinian mouflon population is protected by Law, not only because of a numerical decrease in the population, but also because of the vulnerability associated with the loss of the original genetic diversity, in the case of the mouflons of Giglio Island, the culling, surgical sterilization and capture, with the intervention of the Tuscan Archipelago National Park Authority, has caused damage to this important genetic pool, with the suppression to date, of more than one hundred individuals and the sterilization of many others."

Male Mouflon

Giglio mouflons, biologists: 'They must be saved'. A conference is launched

20 May 2023StaffLa Nazione

"This was stated in a note by biologist Giuliano Russini, promoter for Monday, May 22 in Rome of the conference "The management of Italy's wildlife heritage in recent decades," to be held at the training center of FNOB (National Federation of Biologists' Associations) on World Biodiversity Day. The conference will aim to open an in-depth scientifically based reflection on the need to protect the mouflon population of Giglio Island (Grosseto) and avoid their culling."

Mouflon in field

Giglio mouflons, biologists unite to save them from culling: "Priceless genetic resource"

18 May 2023StaffIl Giunco

"Speakers at the conference will call for a review of eradication practices, initiating a biological and genetic recovery program to ensure the survival of this nucleus of mouflon, which was originally established for non-hunting purposes, but exclusively for scientific-conservation purposes."

FNOB Mouflon

Conference on "The management of Italy's natural heritage in recent decades"

02 May 2023FNOB.itFederazione Nazionale degli Ordini dei Biologi

“While the Sardinian mouflon population is protected by Law, not only because of a numerical decrease in the population, but also because of the vulnerability associated with the loss of original genetic diversity, in the case of the mouflons of Giglio Island, culling, surgical sterilization and capture, with the intervention of the Tuscan Archipelago National Park Authority, has caused damage to this important genetic pool, with the suppression to date, of more than one hundred individuals and the sterilization of many others.”



08 February 2023StaffAnimali e Ambiente nel Cuore

“Enough with the smokescreens: the Tuscan Archipelago National Park Authority should say clearly how many mouflons have been killed as part of the "Let's go Giglio" plan, despite the commitment made in November 2021 to suspend the killings, and how many of these deaths are due to cruel and inadequate trapping techniques, with snares. Hon. Michela Vittoria Brambilla, president of the Parliamentary Intergroup for Animal Rights and Environmental Protection, asks this on behalf of the Intergroup itself, taking a cue from a detailed article published today on”


FNOB: Capture of Giglio Mouflons with Snares: High Mortality Rate

08 February 2023Federazione Nazionale Degli Ordini dei

“According to the Sierra Club's wildlife trapping regulations, the use of tourniquets or any body restraining device is considered "unnecessarily inhumane" because these devices "are not selective for age, sex, or species and generally cause injury, pain, suffering, and/or death.”

Mouflon captured with a snare

Capture of Giglio Mouflons with Snares: High Mortality Rate

08 February 2023Cesare Scarfò, SaveGiglio.orgGiglioNews

“With an estimated capture mortality rate of around 20 percent, the use of the snares used in the Park Authority's "LIFE LetsGo Giglio" project is causing significant death and damage to mouflons, setting up the possible crime of mistreatment with the aggravating factor of causing the death of the animal.”

Muflone, l'Indipendente

On the island of Giglio, mouflon hunting has begun

03 November 2022Raffaele De LucaL'Indipendente

"Introduced to the island in the 1950s as part of a project to protect the species from extinction and to allow for the repopulation of reserves and parks throughout Italy, the Giglio mouflon has remained genetically pure given the absence on the island of flocks of sheep that, instead, populate Sardinia, Corsica and Cyprus abundantly, where their kind are instead protected." This then reminds the organization in this regard, pointing out that "Giglio's mouflons, therefore, are the last of their kind and to cull them means losing a great wealth in terms of biodiversity."

Muflone, Rivista Natura

Culling mouflons at Giglio: a wrong and reckless decision

31 October 2022Ermanno GiudiciRivista Natura

Perhaps the Giglio will become a school case, capable for once of bringing animal activists and scientists together on the protection of a species improperly defined as allochthonous, invasive and to be eradicated. It could perhaps be the beginning of a new, more holistic vision, capable of addressing conservation and nature protection issues with a more ethical, less hasty and certainly less venatorial approach than is usually the case. Perhaps by clarifying, once and for all, also the funding mechanisms of the scientific entities involved in the preliminary studies of alien species eradication projects, which do not always seem to be attentive only to the protection of biodiversity.

Illustrazione di Sigismondo Arquer, anno 1550

Stories of Men and Mouflons

31 Ottobre 2022Barbara Wilkens, Archaeozoologist for SaveGiglio.orgGiglio News

Barbara Wilkens, Archaeozoologist, after hearing the story of the Giglio mouflon sent us this article describing the relationship between man and mouflon that began just over eleven thousand years ago; after you read it, you will realize how instrumental and misleading the adjective "alien" is when applied to the Mouflon in our geographic and cultural range.


Giglio island mouflons under attack: pregnant females and cubs also in hunters' sights. stop the slaughter: join the mailbombing

20 October 2022RedazioneInternational Animal Protection Organization

To be against an unacceptable massacre, there are not only the activists who came to the site supported by scholars and experts in the field and several associations such as OIPA, but there is also the majority of the islanders, lovers of the island and the farmers themselves, who united in the "Save Giglio" committee, deny the existence of damage to crops by mouflons, as instead they would like to believe to justify the slaughter. The Tuscan Archipelago Park Authority has decided to eradicate this animal species because it is "alien and invasive," while ignoring an important scientific discovery published in the international scientific journal "Diversity," which revealed that Giglio's mouflons hold ancestral DNA now lost in the Sardinian source population, making them a high conservation priority.

Franco Tassi

Yes to mouflon reserve on Giglio Island

20 October 2022Franco Tassi, International Parks CenterGiglio News

Let us hope in any case that the enemies of Nature will come to their senses, and finally understand what future benefits the creation of an ecological attraction of this prestige would bring to Giglio, its community and the work of young people. It would thus recreate that positive atmosphere that, back in 1955, had inspired Professors Alessandro Ghigi, Augusto Toschi and Renzo Videsott, together with Professor Ugo Baldacci, to establish the historic nucleus of Mufloni, in order to preserve its unique genetic heritage, whose inestimable value has recently been confirmed by the most advanced scientific research.

Ortelli Nega

Mouflons, controversy between municipality and animal rights activists

18 October 2022Staff WriterLa Nazione

Animal rights activists speak of the latest "extermination." But the mouflons at Giglio, says Mayor Sergio Ortelli, "are fine and continue the operations of their relocation." Ortelli: "In fact, let us remember that the mouflon is a non-native animal of Giglio and therefore must be removed. By the way, in Tuscany it is a huntable species. Hunters have come to Giglio," the mayor closes, "but to hunt thrushes, woodcocks, wood pigeons and rabbits freely. As the law allows." It should be noted that in this article, Ortelli does not mention the introduction of mouflon hunting on Giglio Island presented by Tuscany Region Resolution No. 813.

due mufloni

Giglio mouflons, associations' complaint: 'Hunters are on the island'

17 Ottobre 2022La ZampaLa Stampa

The war of institutions against the last remaining group of mouflon on Giglio Island resumes. Two weeks after the Region of Tuscany gave the green light to the killing (Resolution 813 of 2022) in the area of the island that is not part of the Tuscan Archipelago Park, hunters arrived on the island yesterday to conclude the extermination."

Ortelli Lettera Aperta

Mouflons: "Open Letter" to the Mayor of Giglio

16 Ottobre 2022Alessandro BaldasseriniGiglioNews

Mr. Mayor, you have a great opportunity to rewrite the "History" of the Island: go back and fence off the "Franco" area where to house the surviving mouflons and there be established the "Naturalistic Museum of the Mouflon," which already some experts have planned for an expense of 150,000 euros. It is not a cost, it is an investment: do you know how many tourists would come, from all over the Planet, to visit it and to see "one of a kind" specimens that live exclusively on Giglio? Make the Island a worldwide example of eco-sustainable tourism: imagine the (free) publicity that a gesture of yours, a measure of yours, would procure for Giglio. And think of the admiration and support it would garner.

Historical Photo of Mufloni on Aegilium

Mario Spagnesi Defends the Population of Giglio Mouflons

12 October 2022Cesare Scarfo', SaveGiglioGiglioNews

Professor of General Zoology at the University of Bologna and for over twenty years Director General of the National Institute for Wild Fauna (now ISPRA), Professor Mario Spagnesi expresses his perplexity regarding the issue related to the eradication of Mouflons from Giglio Island: "...Conversely, it seems to me scarcely credible that there exists on Giglio the need to resort to a definitive eradication of the Mouflon. I am more inclined to think that this is an environmental policy strategy put in place by the Park Authority to support a philosophy of naturalistic purism in the context of a protected area. If this is the case, let us hope for a repentance before it is too late."

Muflone ENPA

Tuscany, Giglio mouflons. Rocchi (Enpa): "Giani stops the slaughter."

12 October 2022ENPAMaremmaNews

Rome: Enpa's national president, Carla Rocchi, has officially requested in a letter sent today to the president of Tuscany, Eugenio Giani, to stop the hunting of mouflons still living on the island of Giglio, on the edge of the Tuscan Archipelago Park

Cieca e Sorda

Blind and Deaf Europe Condemns Mouflon to Extinction

12 October 2022Alessandro BaldasseriniGiglioNews

The "official note" from a Brussels bureaucrat denying the scientific evidence of the facts: this is how to protect biodiversity? But it is at the tail end (in cauda venenum, said the Latins) that the "devil" pops up: where he claims that the Park "is currently applying non-lethal methods for the capture and transfer of mouflon." Oh yeah? Then, dear (so to speak...) Leiner, where do we put the "17 animals culled and the 51 specimens currently captured" that - on "ISPRA's prescription" - are to be "sterilized"...

Tre Mufloni

Mailbombing Against Mouflon Eradication in Giglio Island

10 October 2022Sara D'AngeloVitadacani

In order to circumvent any problems and slowdowns to the mouflon eradication project on Giglio Island, the Tuscany Region, with this resolution, hastily entrusts the elimination of the few remaining mouflons to hunters' guns. Sign and circulate to friends and sensitive people this letter and send it to the addresses indicated. Together we can still make a difference for Giglio's mouflons.

Muflone nella gabbia

The Mouflons and the "Camel Troops."

10 October 2022Alessandro BaldasseriniGiglioNews

The great thing is that CNCN invites you to "take note of the existence of scientific evidence and legal provisions that it is inappropriate to attempt to subvert." Well, then you start first (see: #ALIENI / Scientific study: the DNA of Giglio mouflons is "unique in the world") and while you're at it, reread Law 157/11 February 1992 Art. 18 paragraph 1: "The mouflons, excluding the Sardinian population (understood as a species, Ed.), are subject to hunting activity." That is why, to prevent their extinction, in 1955 with a project this yes scientific, a small colony of 7 mouflons was introduced to Giglio from the Island, as well as in the Island of Zannone which is now part of the Circeo National Park and where, as it happens, they are protected.

Muflone ENPA

ENPA Defends Giglio's Mouflons. Alleged attacks against hunters

08 October 2022ENPAMaremmaNews

According to Animal Protection, in the Giglio issue, the real anomaly is not so much the sacrosanct protests of those who oppose the slaughter of the last remaining mouflons on the island, but the intervention-really irritating of an organization-the CNCN to be precise-that represents the interests of gun and cartridge manufacturers.

Mouflon on Giglio


07 October 2022Franco Tassi, Centro Parchi InternazionaleGiglio News

Worrying reports have been received about the possible resumption of attacks on the small but important nucleus of Giglio's Mouflon, whose unique characteristics have been highlighted by recent scientific and genetic research published in the authoritative international journal Diversity. This population must therefore be absolutely protected, creating at the Franco Promontory a Wildlife Park, where it can be a valuable eco-tourist, eco-photographic and eco-cultural attractor, with multi-seasonal experiential visits and obvious socio-economic benefits for the community itself.

Sammuri e Burlando

Mouflon Case: Sammuri, Burlando and the "Serial" Lies

06 October 2022Alessandro BaldasseriniGiglio News

Simple (and here's the "problem"): because these statements were made, also, to deny the existence of a "Direct Award" of 25,000 euros that the Park recognizes to ISPRA on the basis of an "Agreement of cooperation with ISPRA for the scientific coordination for the elaboration of the eradication plan" of mouflons. In fact, Burlando writes again in that official and registered document, "It should also be noted that this Park has not arranged any cooperation agreement with ISPRA regarding the LetsGo Giglio project."

Francesco Torselli, capogruppo di Fratelli d’Italia in Consiglio regionale

Torselli (FdI): "Stop the slaughter of Giglio mouflons. Giani, stop the hunt."

30 September 2022StaffLa Voce della Patriota

"According to a recent scientific study, the animals should not even be eradicated from the island." The European project, however, does not even seem to be valid anymore since a recent scientific study revealed the genetic uniqueness of this group of animals so much so that they deserve to be studied and kept on the island. So why did the Tuscany Region allow the hunting of these ungulates? Their killing makes no sense at all!

Controradio Muflone

LAV: we will sue those who cull the Mouflons of Giglio

30 September 2022Staff WriterControradio

"The region, which has never been done in previous years, has prepared a hunting plan that includes the killing of 37 mouflons in areas outside the park," Lav denounces. Which warns "whoever should be responsible for the death of the mouflons."


Giglio mouflons: lav and wwf, excellent results of their rescue with captures and transfers

29 September 2022Staff WriterWWF

WWF Italy and LAV, in these very weeks, are also taking action to call for the extension of the National Park to the remaining territory of the island.

Ente Parco

Operation mouflon at Giglio Island 10 months after Park - Lav and WWF agreement

29 September 2022L'Ente Parco Nazionale Arcipelago

In compliance with the directives issued by ISPRA, sterilizations of captured animals will begin shortly. In addition, the Park Authority announces that it "will continue with the mouflon harvesting actions provided for in the project...

Centro Recupero Ricci La Ninna

Let's Save the Mouflons of Giglio Island

28 September 2022Massimo Vacchetta, Ilaria Gemma & Cesare Scarfo'Centro Recupero Ricci la Ninna

On October 1, shooting resumed on the island of Giglio to kill the last 40 remaining mouflons, which, according to a very recent genetic examination, would belong to a very rare and valuable subrace, unique practically. The person responsible for this slaughter?

Muflone nella macchia

Intervention Group: "Giglio's mouflons could have been moved to Sardinia where they are lacking, but they prefer to cull them."

28 September 2022Staff WriterIl Giunco

GIGLIO ISLAND - GrIG, Gruppo d'Intervento Giuridico (Legal Intervention Group), has filed a new application (Sept. 26, 2022) aimed at the creation of the Muflone Wildlife Area with the restoration (one thousand meters of fencing) of the former Franco Promontory fence in Giglio Campese, proposed by Save Giglio.

Mufloni nel prato

From October 1, start of Giglio's Muflon culls, outside the Park's boundaries, decided by the Tuscany Region

27 September 2022Staff WriterLAV

Considering that the Sardinian mouflon is strictly protected by the National Wildlife Law, unlike the "continental" mouflon which is unfortunately a huntable species, and given that since March the biodiversity of which the mouflon protected species are part is even protected by our Constitution in Article 9 paragraph 3, we have sent an urgent legal notice to the Tuscany Region to immediately cancel any hypothesis of killing the animals on the island of Giglio outside the Park's boundaries.

Appello Sardegna


23 September 2022Alessandro BaldasseriniHeartOnEarth News - Il BloGo

The "Sardinian breed population" of Giglio Island is threatened with extinction by the senseless plan of the Tuscan Archipelago National Park to "eliminate" them: this is an immense genetic, naturalistic and cultural heritage of Sardinian History that must be protected. Let's stop this massacre!

Radio Star

Interview with Daria Sanna (Geneticist, Professor University of Sassari)

23 September 2022Alessandro Baldasserini & Daria SannaRadio Star

Daria Sanna explains the results of the recent study on the genetics of the mouflons of Giglio. The results indicate that the mouflons of Giglio are unique in the world. Their genetic variation has gone extinct in Sardina and they are now considered the last mouflons who possess this ancestral DNA. She implores the Ente Parco to cease eradication activities and stop the planned massac

Donatella Bianchi e Giampiero Sammuri

#Giglio / WWF's Fake-News and GEO's "Butler"

22 Settembre 2022Alessandro BaldasseriniHeartOnEarth News - Il BloGo

However, it is after exactly 5 minutes and 6 seconds of amiable conversation...that the "news" as false as a 3 euro bill is given - again the Director before the compact host: "It was a resounding mistake to bring mouflons to Giglio in the 1950s-60s to be shot by hunters." A colossal (unwitting?) lie: because it is "universally known," as Sammuri would say, that mouflons were introduced to the Island as part of a project, this one scientific, to preserve them from extinction.


Mouflons of Giglio Island in Danger

20 September 2022 Raffaele Palumbo & Cesare Scarfo'Controradio

Raffaele Palumbo and Cesare discuss the scientific discovery and the incomprehensible massacre that will begin on October 1, 2022.

Mufloni Corrend- HeartOnEarth News

#Giglio / Sammuri, mouflons and the "denials" that confirm...

17 September 2022Alessandro BaldasseriniHeartOnEarth News - Il BloGo

To recap: in the project submitted to the EU, the Park speaks of "40/80" mouflons present on the Island; today, through the mouth of the President, we learn that at present "17 specimens have been culled and 51 captured and transferred." 51+17=68. And now the Tuscany Region has authorized the killing of 37 more animals. Not only that: but it was Sammuri himself, no more than a week ago from the pages of the Friday of the Republic, who said that only 9 mouflons had been culled and 43 had been captured. Math is not an opinion: so who is spreading fake-news?

Muflone nel bosco - La Repubblica

Endangered mouflons on Giglio Island. Campaign to save them begins

17 September 2022Margherita D'AmicoLa Repubblica

Declared genetically rare and valuable by a recent scientific study published in the journal Diversity, supported by associations and public opinion demanding their salvation, the mouflons of Giglio Island are again condemned to death by institutions... "We launched a protest campaign to bring the mouflons of Giglio Island to safety, and we find ourselves forced to intervene again, despite the scientific study that should have blocked any hostility," says Sara D'Angelo president of Vita da Cani and the Network of Free Animal Sanctuaries.


The mouflons, the Park and the "Achilles' Heel"

13 September 2022Alessandro BaldasseriniGiglio News

According to the "Operational Protocol for the eradication of the mouflon," attached to the project sent to the European Union to obtain the contribution equal to 60 percent of the 1,600,000 euros provided for the entire operation, the Park (p. 33) cites in support Law No. 157 of Feb. 11, 1992, and more specifically Art. 18 paragraph 1, which states verbatim: "The mouflon, with the exclusion of the Sardinian population, is a huntable species in our country. At the national level, the mouflon is taken under hunting regulations in 23 provinces of the 42 where it is present." But the Park, to be even more convincing, does not limit itself to this and (p. 9) already anticipates its "scientific evidence": "(...) At present, Sardinian populations are still believed to retain a relevant part of the original genetic diversity currently lost or depleted in Asian wild relatives, and this factor suggests that they should be the object of conservation unlike the others present in the national territory."


Evi(Verdi) calls for EU intervention to save Giglio mouflons - Question for modification of 'Life LetsGO Giglio' project

12 September 2022Staff Writer ANSA BRUSSELSANSA

It is inconceivable that Europe should fund with about a million euros a project that, in fact, admits the slaughter of a high-risk species. Last July 28, in fact, the scientific journal 'Diversity' published a study on the genetics of the Giglio Island mouflon, noting that it is a population elsewhere extinct and emphasizing its unique element of biodiversity. The study's evidence therefore makes it urgent to devise conservation plans to preserve what remains of this unique genetic resource.

Muflone del Giglio nel Bosco

The Mouflon of Giglio has Received Eviction

09 September 2022Martina SaporitiLa Repubblica

For conservation purposes, it is therefore most important to protect the Gigliese genetic pool, which is now absent in its original environment. Indeed, in the future it could be used as a sampling pool to reconstitute the original genetic variability of the Sardinian and Corsican populations. That is why ways must be found to reorganize the animals' stay on the island, perhaps by restoring old enclosures. The important thing is to manage the resource, not zero it out."

inchiesta il blogo

#SLAM / Giglio: the mouflons, the Park, and the "furbetti del quartierino"

06 September 2022Alessandro BaldasseriniHeartOnEarth News - Il BloGo

the Park, as the basis of its project, refers to Law No. 157 of Feb. 11, 1992, which states in Art. 118comma 1 that "the mouflon is taken under the hunting regime, where it is present, in the national territory with the exclusion of the Sardinian population."

Big Hunter


06 September 2022Staff

In October 2022, until March 15, the culling of mouflon on Giglio Island by selective hunting will resume. This was established last July by the Regional Plan for the Harvesting of Mouflon 2022 - 2023 in which the Island is listed as a non-vocated and problematic area, as, moreover, the Life (EU) LETSGO Giglio project had already sanctioned, which provides for the eradication of non-native species to protect biodiversity and the island ecosystem.

Abbatimenti mufloni

clarification regarding the start of Giglio mouflon shooting scheduled for Oct. 1

06 September 2022Cesare Scarfo' per Save GiglioGiglio News

Thus from October 1, 2022 to March 15, 2023, 37 mouflons can be shot out of an estimated total of about 40 mouflons still present on Giglio Island. This action is a more than significant contribution to the ongoing eradication planned by the PNAT Board.

PNAT Mufloni

Park denies: "It is false that they will resume mouflon culling starting October 1"

05 September 2022Parco Nazionale Arcipelago Toscano Giglio News

"It is false that the Park will resume the culling of Mouflon on Giglio Island on October 1. Perhaps those who wrote have confused the opening of hunting, which, moreover, from September 19 in Giglio is also open to rabbit, thrush and wood pigeon, as in all of Italy."

Abbatimenti mufloni

Giglio mouflon massacre to begin October 1

05 September 2022Cesare Scarfo' for Save GiglioGiglio News

The Park Authority chose to ignore an important scientific discovery that revealed that Giglio mouflons harbor ancestral DNA now lost in the Sardinian source population, making them a high conservation priority. The Park Authority has stated that it will proceed with eradication, but has failed to provide the full truth: hunters will arrive on October 1, 2022 to begin the slaughter of Giglio mouflons. Males, females and young will be shot until March 15, 2023. The Park Authority has even agreed that hunters will kill female mouflons that will be pregnant from December to February. (Tuscany Region Council Resolution No. 813 of 07/18/2022)


Study on the Mouflon Genetics: Genovesi's Opinion for ISPRA

05 September 2022StaffGiglio News

Genovesi:"We have analyzed in detail the results of the recently published study, which confirms the very recent origin of the nucleus of Giglio Island mouflons, introduced to this island only in the mid-1950s. So these data also confirm that this is a population of allctona origin, which is also very recent, created during the period in which mouflons were introduced in different areas of the country, often for hunting purposes."

NOTE: The statement made on the part of ISPRA entirely ignores the the genetic analysis of the study and major discovery of ancestral DNA in the population of mouflons on Giglio. The position of ISPRA is also called into question in terms of scientific integrity as impartiality may have been compromised given their "Direct Award" or "Premio Diretto" of 25 thousand euros for an "accordo di cooperazione scientifica" or "scientific cooperation agreement" within the LetsGo Giglio project.

ISPRA Premio Diretto 25 mila euro
Il BloGo

#Giglio / The mouflons and "presumptive" science.

03 September 2022Alessandro BaldasseriniHeartOnEarth News - Il BloGo

That is, research, published in one of the most prestigious scientific journals, adverse to a project (Let's Go Giglio) that produced no study to support it, as Sammuri himself admitted to La Repubblica: "It is universally known that on the islands ungulates are harmful to biodiversity, so we did not throw money into a specific study on the damage done by mouflons to Giglio Island." Postilla: to do a "specific study," no; to give 25,000 euros to ISPRA as a "result bonus" for the Cooperation Agreement for the elaboration of the Mouflon Eradication Plan, yes...

Green Report

Giglio Island Mouflons, a "Hasty" Eradication

19 Agosto 2022Corradino Guacci, President of the Italian Society for the History of FaunaGreen Report

Our strong perplexity about this "hasty" eradication, rather than a tout court position in favor of Giglio mouflons (far be it from us to take any ideological position on the subject!), is meant to reiterate the need for a seriously scientific approach. The question is not whether one is for or against their presence on the island, but that of assessing significance and genetic value that mouflons represent.

La Nuova Sassari

Giglio Island Mouflons are the True Sardinian Breed: Mobilization to Save Them

09 August 2022Nadia CossuLa Nuova - Sassari

Two professors from the University of Sassari have discovered that the animals brought to Tuscany in the 1950s are now the only ones that retain the original genetic characteristic. The two researchers took action in response to an appeal by some Tuscan citizens opposed to the choice of their region's park authority, which considers mouflons an "alien species" and wants to eradicate them.

La Nuova Sardegna

University of Sassari Crusade to Save the Last Sardinian Mouflons

09 August 2022Nadia CossuLa Nuova

Eradication plan on Giglio Island: the colony is at risk of extinction. The SOS launched by a group of citizens of Giglio Island (small pearl of the Tuscan Archipelago) has mobilized the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Sassari "The Sardinian mouflons present on Giglio are in danger of disappearing forever," is the cry of alarm that started from a group of inhabitants.


VIDEO: Catholic study reveals rare DNA of Giglio Island mouflons. "Conserve them."

03 August 2022Marco MolinariLibertà

A kind of unintentional time capsule, which allowed the preservation of a uniqueness of the Sardinian mouflon genome. It was the inclusion of these Tyrrhenian mouflons on Giglio Island starting in the 1950s. Now, 70 years later, these genetic characteristics have been lost on the mother island, being preserved instead on the small island in the Tuscan archipelago.


Catholic study reveals rare DNA of Giglio Island mouflons. "Conserve them."

03 Agust 2022RedazioneLibertà

...geneticist Mario Barbato of the Catholic University explains, "the uniqueness of the Giglio mouflon represents a very important genetic resource, now lost elsewhere, and deserves a high conservation priority."


#GIGLIO / I mufloni, il Parco e gli “ascari” in servizio permanente effettivo

03 Agosto 2022RedazioneHeartOnEarth News | Il BloGo

Oggi si è accodato, meglio tardi che mai, anche “Il Tirreno”: che, evidenziando già nel titolo come ciò “mina il progetto di eradicazione del Parco”, concede tuttavia il diritto di replica a chi difende la scelta di abbatterli.

Mouflons La Nazione

Mouflons of Giglio: A Genetic Study Reveals Rare DNA

31 July 2022Maurizio Costanzo La Nazione

"This genetic analysis of the mouflon not only undermines the scientific basis of the mouflon eradication project, but also highlights the superficiality with which the Park Authority and European institutions manage public funds intended for biodiversity preservation," comments Sara d'Angelo president of the Vita da Cani association and coordinator of the Network of Free Animal Sanctuaries in Italy. "Not only must the eradication project be stopped immediately, just as a parliamentary investigation must be launched to understand how it is possible that twice we have risked the extinction of rare wildlife species, but in light of the facts we call for the immediate resignation of the president of the Park Authority, Giampiero Sammuri," d'Angelo concludes, "and for all the specimens already deported to be brought back to the Island at the Park's expense and protected as an ancestral and precious genetic heritage."

Mouflons Toscana in Diretta

Mouflons of Giglio: A Genetic Study Reveals a Rare DNA

31 July 2022Staff WriterToscana in Diretta

It appears that 10 mouflons have already been culled, but as a result of complaints, the Park has reportedly captured and transported many more mouflons to various refuges around Italy, where, however, at least 5 have died due to the stress of the captures. Instead, the survivors will be sterilized, if they have not already been, thus jeopardizing the possibility of preserving the genetic heritage of this rare animal.

Genetica Ancestrale Mufloni dell'Isola del Giglio

Mouflons of Giglio: Scientific Study Reveals Ancestral DNA, Elsewhere Lost

28 Luglio 2022Cesare Scarfo' per SaveGiglioGiglioNews

Scientists call for an immediate end to capture and translocation efforts, culling and surgical sterilization imposed by the Park Authority. The results of the genetic study identified Giglio Island's mouflon population as a high priority for conservation, and the limited number of individuals remaining has endangered this priceless and unique gene pool.

Farfalle e Mufloni

#ZOOM / Butterflies & Mouflons: when "hoaxes" take flight...

07 Luglio 2022Alessandro Baldasserini & Marco MassetiHeartOnEarth News - Il BloGo

... the scientific journal "Bio's" - an official publication of the National Order of Biologists - has (in its last issue of June) literally dismantled the "Life Project - Let's Go Giglio", financed with substantial public funds, calling it "improbable" and full of "cultural contradictions and legal failures", I wanted to take Sammuri's invitation literally: the one according to which "when talking about biodiversity conservation we need Science"

Ordine Nazionale Biologi

Don't Shoot the Mouflons!

Luglio 2022Ordine Nazionale BiologiBio's - Vol. 13 Maggio-Giugno

An improbable "life" project, with substantial public funding, has ordered the culling of dozens of ungulates on Giglio Island. But the Order of Biologists has denounced dozens of cultural contradictions and legal failures...The National Order of Biologists, through the voice of its president Vincenzo D'Anna, has asked a committee of internal environmental biologist technicians and external biologist consultants (consisting of zoologists, mesomammal specialists, botanists, ecologists and ethologists) to study the Life LETSGO GIGLIO project

New Museum of Montecristo and Montecristo Goat

"New" Museum in Montecristo: a damnatio memoriae?

April 18, 2022Marco MassetiGiglioNews

It would almost seem that since the real goats of Monte Cristo are no longer available, one would also want to remove their memory, according to a process of damnatio memoriae that would have very little to do with science.It is conceivable then that the dropping from the helicopter of some 14 tons of poisoned bait - to eradicate black rats from the island during the Life Montecristo 2010- LIFE 08 NAT/IT/000353 project - did the rest.

Black Tarps to Cover Ice Plant on Giglio

Park Authority project pollutes and disturbs habitats on Giglio Island

April 8, 2022Cesare Scarfo'- SaveGiglio.orgGiglioNews

Breeding areas of even protected species are disturbed and plastic pollution enters marine and coastal habitats. Note that this action against the ice plant was planned on behalf of EPNAT by NEMO s.r.l., the same firm that planned and directed the helicopter dispersal of more than 14 tons of poisoned pellets containing the devastating "Brodifacoum" over the entire island of Montecristo.


INVESTIGATION / Sardinia: when the island of Tavolara was flooded with poisoned bait

March 28, 2022Alessandro BaldasseriniHeartOnEarthNews - Il BloGo

2017: the NEMO company "bombs" the Marine Protected Area with 17 tons of Brodifacoum in general silence... on March 23, 2017, a decree was finally issued authorizing an exemption for the use of rodenticide baits outside of safety dispensers, valid during the period September 15 - December 15, 2017.

Senate interrogation on LetsGo Giglio and other EPNAT LIFE projects.

Senate interrogation on LetsGo Giglio and other EPNAT LIFE projects.

March 25, 2022Senator Patrizio Giacomo La Pietra Giglio News

Mainly, we would like to express our serious concerns about the ongoing "LIFE LetsGo Giglio" project to eradicate mouflons from Giglio Island, and we would like to draw attention again to the "Life Montecristo 2010" project, which in January 2012 resulted in the helicopter launch of more than 14 tons of poisoned pellets on the previously pristine island of Montecristo.



February 4, 2022Amy Bond for SaveGiglioGiglio News

It should be noted that no independent local studies have shown that the Ice Plant is harmful to the specific habitat of Giglio. The Park Authority used the same approach with our mouflons: instead of local independent studies, the Park Authority used studies concerning the Hawaiian Islands to claim that Giglio mouflons would harm local biodiversity.

mufloni trasferiti

Already 25 mouflons relocated. Interventions on rabbits and turtles will follow

February 2, 2022A.C.Il Tirreno

The "Life Letsgo Giglio" project is slowly going through all its stages. The first and most prominent, still in progress, is the removal of mouflon from the island. Second step is the containment of the Ice Plant and, from next week onward, off to the restoration of four hectares of artificial forests of Aleppo pine and stone pine to encourage the growth and planting of holm oaks and other native shrubs.

Goodbye Capel Rosso

Save Giglio: "Farewell to Capel Rosso, eradication of the Ice Plant started."

January 27, 2022Cesare Scarfo' for SaveGiglioGiglio News

Yesterday, Wednesday, January 26, 2022, the company contracted by the Park Authority to carry out this part of the "Life LetsGo Giglio" project, began the uprooting of the Ice Plant from the Capel Rosso promontory. An action that - if carried out - will change forever this part of our beautiful Island, one of the most evocative and exciting places, where Nature proper to Giglio found one of its most beautiful and beloved expressions.

gigliola the little mouflon

Mouflons on Giglio, orphan Gigliola wanders the island: 'Without a mother, her life is at risk'

December 13, 2021Staff WriterLa Nazione

Wandering alone bewildered on Giglio Island is a baby mouflon. It is unclear whether the mother is among the mouflon killed by the Tuscan Archipelago Park or among those captured and translocated to the mainland last week.

Camion con i mufloni

"I'll kill you": the "mouflon case" reporter threatened

December 7, 2021RedazioneIl Tirreno

Russo had shown up at the port of arrival and spotted the truck, which would then head to the center of Semproniano; here the photographer asked if it was possible to photograph the interior of the vehicle as well, since from the outside the specimens were not visible. The driver had not agreed.... "The driver got out of the vehicle and came toward me brandishing a wooden stick with a brown string tied to his wrist...."

Armadillo Radio


December 6, 2021Considera l'Armadillo Radio Popolare

Professor Marco Masseti, Zoologist, Paleo-Ecologist & Insular Fauna Expert and Kim Bizzarri, Researcher, European Environmental Policy Expert discuss the Park Authority's current plan to eradicate mouflons from Giglio Island revealing many inconsistencies within the project.

L'Ente Parco

Mouflon eradication: agreement between Park, WWF and LAV

November 30, 2021Parco Nazionale Arcipelago ToscanoGiglio News

The National Park of the Archipelago Toscano will pledges to: Pause the mouflon culling operations provided for in the Let's Go Giglio project; Intensify the capture and transport operations to other locations in ways that take into account animal welfare as provided for in the Operational Protocol signed with ISPRA

La Repubblica

The mouflons on Giglio Island are Safe. "But it's only a suspension, we need the final stop."

November 29, 2021RedazioneLa Repubblica

Animal welfare associations welcome the decision of the Tuscan Archipelago Park Authority with enthusiasm. But they remind that it is not a permanent solution

Striscia la Notizia

SOS - Mouflons of Giglio Island

November 29, 2021Jimmy GhioneStriscia la Notizia

While hunters sent by the Park Authority were actively present and shooting mouflon at Giglio Island, the President (Giampiero Sammuri) and Vice President (Stefano Feri) claimed they did not know if any hunters were present and shooting.

Blog Go

“"Green Report," ethics and fake-news.

November 29, 2021Alessandro Baldasserini HeartOnEarthNews - Il BloGo

the Park, apart from the pamphlet commissioned to the company "Nemo Ambiente," has not produced any document or scientific study (title of the publication, name of the authors and year of publication); 2) There is, Sammuri's own words to La Repubblica, no specific study on the damage produced by mouflons on Giglio Island; 3) Regarding the "authoritative opinions" of experts (actually only one, prof. Luigi Boitani who - but you look at the coincidence - is an IUCN advisor) one can safely contrast those of equally authoritative scholars such as Franco Tassi and Marco Masseti.

Vita da Cani

Park, the protest continues

November 28, 2021Associazione "Vita da cani"Giglio News

After the first killings last Tuesday, the Tuscan Archipelago Park Authority says today that it has suspended the culling of mouflons on Giglio Island. "While we wait to know the intentions of the administrators," comments Sara d'Angelo, president of the Vitadacani association, "it is even more necessary to keep our attention high - so that any decisions that would bring the animals to safety become reality.


"Culling suspended but mouflon still in danger"

November 27, 2021Cesare Scarfo' for Save GiglioGiglio News

We received an announcement from the Honorable Michela Vittoria Brambilla reporting on her recent informal meeting with the president of the Tuscan Archipelago National Park Authority, Giampiero Sammuri, regarding the future of the Giglio mouflons. The unofficial agreement would provide for the temporary suspension of the culling and relocation of the surviving mouflons, so the de facto eradication will continue.


Park clarifies, "Culling suspended but agreement must provide for relocation"

November 27, 2021Parco Nazionale Arcipelago ToscanoGiglio News

The National Park clarifies with respect to Hon. Brambilla's statement this morning. "The commitment that we have made at the moment is to suspend the culling, while to talk about an agreement will require in-depth discussion with the animal associations."

La Nazione

Mouflons of Giglio Island Saved

November 27, 2021Redazione La Nazione

Agreement finally found to safeguard mammals after a confrontation between park authority president Giampiero Sammuri and Congresswoman Brambilla. Stopped culling and identified safeguard solutions. Exposed in the public prosecutor's office by Aidaa animal activists.

La Nazione

Culling mouflons on Giglio: double exposé by Codacons

November 27, 2021Redazione La Nazione

Allegations to the Livorno and Grosseto public prosecutors' offices and the Tuscany Court of Auditors. "The Tuscan Archipelago National Park Authority has not conducted studies on Giglio Island to determine whether the mouflon is invasive," this is the accusation.

Blog Go

Proposal: moratorium and national "table" for Giglio mouflons

November 26, 2021Alessandro Baldasserini HeartOnEarthNews - Il BloGo

The "image damage" to Giglio Island is colossal (just take a tour on social-media) and the bill - a very steep one - is likely to be paid by the local community, primarily the tour operators. The proclamations of "boycott" (from which #GO obviously disassociates and opposes) in view of the upcoming tourist season are now a flurry and it would be foolish, if not dangerous for the island's economy, to disregard them.

The Guardian

Rare mouflon sheep on Italian island of Giglio at centre of culling row

November 26, 2021Staff Writer The Guardian

Animal rights activists have threatened legal action against the national park that runs a group of islands off Italy’s Tuscan coast as controversy intensifies over the culling of rare mouflon sheep on the tiny island of Giglio.


Mufloni, Sen. D'Anna (Biologists): "Millionaire deal, Ministry and Region strike a blow."

November 25, 2021Senator Vincenzo D'Anna Giglio News

"Giglio mouflon cull: a multimillion-dollar deal. Ministry and Region strike a blow!" This was stated in a note by Sen. Vincenzo D'Anna, president of the National Order of Biologists, according to which "it would amount to 1.6 million euros the Life LetsGo Giglio project, financed with public money (much of it from the European Union) and adopted by the Tuscan Archipelago Park Authority, for the suppression of about thirty 'big horned sheep' considered 'invasive alien species' and therefore harmful to the biodiversity of the island in the province of Grosseto."


Environment, appeal to government: 'Stop the culling of mouflons at Giglio Island'

November 22, 2021Redazione Rai News

The government and the Ministry of Ecological Transition intervene to prevent the absurd slaughter of mouflons on the island of Giglio." Launching the appeal is former senator Vincenzo D'Anna, president of the National Order of Biologists, pointing the finger at the " Life Letsgo Giglio" project, adopted by the Tuscan Archipelago Park Authority

La Repubblica

"Don't kill the last mouflons in Giglio," farmer's plea

November 22, 2021Giulio Schoen La Repubblica

"They don't bother the crops or the wildlife," Scarfò says, "We have made a petition that has reached thousands of signatures and we will fight to keep the species here on the island.

Corriere Fiorentino

Culling mouflons at Giglio, Brambilla: "Exposed in the Prosecutor's Office and complaint to the EU Court. Away with the top management of the Park."

November 21, 2021Redazione Corriere Fiorentino

For Michela Vittoria Brambilla, president of the Parliamentary Intergroup for Animal Rights and president of the Italian League for the Defense of Animals and the Environment, "not only must the slaughter of the mouflons on the island of Giglio cease, but the resignation of the president and administrators of the Tuscan Archipelago Park who decided it without valid justifications is most appropriate."

Corriere della Sera

Race to save the mouflon on Giglio. "An unnecessary and costly slaughter."

November 22, 2021Marco Gasperetti Corriera della Sera

Authorized culling to begin next week. Animal rights activists and citizens rise up. Brambilla: they don't cause problems, let's stop the shooting. And announces a complaint to the European Court of Auditors.

Muflone in Gabbia

INVESTIGATION / Giglio: the entanglements and environmental "superciliousness"

November 22, 2021Alessandro Baldasserini HeartOnEartNews - BloGo

The emblematic case of the mouflons: the Park and the role of the company "Nemo" Exposed in Prosecutor's Office by Hon. Brambilla calling for the resignation of President Sammuri EXTRA / With an article by Fabrizio Rondolino and commentary by Carlo Cottarelli

Sindaco Ortelli

Mouflon culls on Giglio Ortelli: "It is the only option."

November 21, 2021Redazione La Nazione

The project was decided by the European Community, which will fund the Park, and I believe there is no better body for the protection of animals and biodiversity. Unfortunately, these animals," the mayor continued, "are not native...eradication is therefore necessary because mouflons damage the island's agricultural production irreparably"

Mufloni del Giglio

Mr. Mayor, please have mercy.

November 19, 2021Amy Bond for SaveGiglio GiglioNews

"As the first citizen, we know that you are committed to representing the voice of your community and succeeding in inspiring others through the choices you make. Therefore, I must beg you to show mercy to the mouflons who share this land with us and put an immediate end to this project."

Carlo Cottarelli

Waste of Public Money

November 19, 2021Carlo Cottarelli Twitter @CottarelliCPI

"According to Republic on Nov. 22, the killing of mouflons on the island of Giglio begins because they are considered an alien species. Cost 1.6 million, against damage caused by the mouflons of 1,200 euros over 19 years. What bureaucrat came up with this slaughter (and waste of public money)?"

Mufloni nella gabbia

Mouflon hunting begins at Giglio Island

November 18, 2021Sabino ZuppaLa Nazione

The Tuscan Archipelago Park Authority's decision to have mouflons disappear from Giglio Island has long been generating much criticism that has already pervaded both island and mainland circles for months.

SOS Mufloni del Giglio

Tassi: SOS Giglio, Mufloni Slaughter Begins

November 18, 2021Franco Tassi, International Parks Center GiglioNews

This frenzy to manipulate island ecosystems, reminiscent of the classic bull in a china shop, is fueled by substantial LIFE funds, and has already produced substantial failures to the detriment of the precious endemic Hare and the historic Montecristo Wild Goat, the pride and prestige of the Archipelago.

Fico Degli Ottentotti Giglio


November 1, 2021Cesare Scarfo' for Save GiglioGiglioNews

The Park Authority, with its "Life LetsGo Giglio" project, is preparing to cover with black plastic sheeting several areas in which the Ice Plant (Carpobrotus) grows.


More than 5,300 People Oppose the Letsgo Giglio Project

October 20, 2021Cesare Scarfo' for Save GiglioGiglioNews

A huge number of people have signed the petition to end the "LetsGo Giglio" project. Since Mouflons were brought to our island in the 1950s for protection, the idea of culling them or moving them from their birthplace after 65 years is something the vast majority of people are strongly opposed to.

Consiglieri Comunali

Controversy over "Let's go Giglio" project, minority: "Give citizens a voice with a referendum"

October 5, 2021RedazioneIl Giunco

The dissent subsequently voiced by private citizens," they say, "associations and the world of wildlife scientific research on some of the contents, especially the one concerning the manner and appropriateness of mouflon eradication"

Consiglieri Comunali

The Minority Intervenes Again on the Mufloni Affair

October 5, 2021Gruppo di Minoranza "Progetto Giglio"GiglioNews

The undersigned minority councilors...once again censure the behavior of the mayor, stigmatize his continued silence and consequent precise stances on a controversy causing great harm to the island's image.

Capra di Montecristo

The Wild Goat Has Also Disappeared from the Museum of Monte Cristo

October 1, 2021Marco MassetiGiglioNews

After 14 tons of rat poison were dropped on Monte Cristo, the ancient breed of goat (Capra Aegagrus) disappeared. Soon after, specimens of the ancient goat disappeared from the Montecristo museum and were replaced by a domestic breed of goat.

Muflone e Piccolo

"Save Giglio's Mouflons" The petition of 50 farmers

September 12, 2021Paola D’AmicoCorriere della Sera

Mobilization of the inhabitants of the Tuscan Archipelago island against the decision of the Park Authority. Lav is also siding with them. Nine years ago, similar concern aroused by the eradication of the rat on the island of Montecristo

Isola del Giglio

Alert, what's going on in the Tuscan Archipelago?

September 21, 2021Franco TassiVillaggio Globale

Franco Tassi reports on reports from local environmentalists who claim how rat eradication is being initiated with poisoned baits and using European Life Funds. The baits may result in the poisoning of terrestrial and marine Fauna, the destruction of Biodiversity and the disappearance of the Montecristo Wild Goat. At the same time, the extermination of Muflons by gunfire is about to begin on Giglio Island.

Isola di Montecristo


September 3, 2021Cesare Scarfo' for Save GiglioGiglioNews

The Park Authority decided to carry out the "Life-Montecristo 2010" project, financed with about 1.6 million euros, by dispersing via helicopter, over the entire surface of the island, more than 14 tons of bait containing "brodifacoum," a poison known to be persistent in the environment and highly toxic even to aquatic organisms.

Folklore dei Mufloni al Giglio - Episodio 4

Tales the Mouflons of Giglio - Fourth Episode

July 15, 2021Cesare Scarfo' for Save GiglioGiglioNews

From poetic inspiration to new words in the local dialect, Muflone is a part of the culture, tradition, and folklore of Giglio Island.

Appello LAV

Appeal to LAV: "Acquitted for not having committed the act."

July 7, 2021Argentino StefaniniGiglioNews

The Park Authority of the Tuscan Archipelago is placing snares and proceeding to cull all mouflons in the territory of the Island Park and also capturing and moving the young, removed from their natural environment, to put them in restricted enclosures.


Giglio's Mouflons and Memory

June 28, 2021Marco GuarnieriGiglioNews

Is there sense in this? What interests are being pursued in wanting to exterminate these animals? As a transplanted Gigliese therefore not native, I do not agree with what is being done.

Folklore dei Mufloni al Giglio

Tales of the Mouflons of Giglio - Third Episode

June 15, 2021Cesare Scarfo' for Save GiglioGiglioNews

Despite funding of about 1.6 million euros for the "LetsGo Giglio" project, the park authority will also use volunteers to kill mouflon.

Folklore dei Mufloni al Giglio

Tales about the Mouflons of Giglio - Second Episode

June 18, 2021Cesare Scarfo' for Save GiglioGiglioNews

The park authority is going ahead with the "LetsGo Giglio" project, with the capturing of mouflons by means of snares to put more radio collars around their necks and then proceeding with the mass culling of Giglio mouflons. If we say nothing and accept such a project, each of us will be responsible for this terrible action.

Folklore dei Mufloni al Giglio

Tales about Mouflons of Giglio- First Episode

June 11, 2021Cesare Scarfo' for Save GiglioGiglioNews

People of all ages, whether islanders or Lily lovers, tell stories of their rare and unique encounters with these incredible animals, often describing them as mythological creatures. Rarely spotted, when a close encounter with a Mouflon occurs, the experience is one to be recounted with excitement, in the company of friends, around the table with family, or in the cellar after a second glass of Ansonico wine. Year after year, the story becomes more colorful each time it is told.

Mufloni Catturati

3 mouflons transferred to CRASM in Semproniano

May 18, 2021Ass. Irriducibili Liberazione AnimaleGiglioNews

Three young mouflons were caught and taken to a wildlife rescue center consisting of a fenced-in area of about 2,000 square meters, one-fifth of an acre. The mouflons will be sterilized, or the males and females will be segregated so that they cannot reproduce and will live the rest of their lives in captivity.

Rara Foto di un Muflone del Giglio

Rare photo of a Giglio mouflon taken in the last few days

April 24, 2021Amy Bond for Save GiglioGiglioNews

When he turned his head and saw us, he studied us with those big eyes together sweet and deep, and then like a shadow, he disappeared silently into the dark forest. The experience was moving but left us heartbroken knowing that this may be the last photograph taken of a mouflon on our island.

La Repubblica

Giglio Island, last 40 mouflons will be culled: "Introduced in '55 and harmful to the environment"; "No, they're part of it now"

March 25, 2021Margherita D'AmicoLa Repubblica

Sammuri: "It is universally known that ungulates are detrimental to biodiversity on the islands, so we did not throw money into a specific study on the damage done by mouflons to Giglio Island." Objects Bizzarri: "In the project submitted to Brussels and richly financed with EU funds, we read that mouflons are accused of threatening agriculture on the Island, when there is a document signed by 47 farmers denying the fact."

Muflone Femina

Masseti: "A false cultural model is being generated from a mistake"

March 31, 2021Marco MassetiGiglioNews

"It appears from Sammuri's statements that he does not consider Giglio, let alone the islanders, worthy of being listened to. In fact, he does not need dedicated scientific studies, nor has he wasted any time in asking and listening to the opinion of the people and locals before making such important and final decisions."


"There is always a way to save goat & cabbage"

March 21, 2021Renato CaveroGiglioNews

Made of people saving the salvageable and helping each other, still I believe that these important values of unity in perilous times can awaken even today and it is never too late. It is about safeguarding the Gigliese vineyards and agriculture of course, in the same way it is about safeguarding the lives of defenseless animals that can only, by their majestic presence, honor even more the beautiful Nature of Giglio.

Palma e Poesia

"Muflone gigliese": poetry by Palma Silvestri

March 19, 2021Palma SilvestriGiglioNews

This does not detract from the fact that "a benevolent eye to the fate of these shy and innocent beasts," there could have been on the part of everyone, starting with the Park Authority and even those who cherish the land, perhaps, by enforcing their category, preventing their hunting or helping to rebuild a fence.


"LetsGo Giglio Project Interventions Seem Arbitrary and Irreversible": Marco Masseti Responds to Sammuri

March 17, 2021 Marco Masseti, for Save GiglioGiglioNews

"From the aims that the "Let's go Giglio" program has set for itself, it seems to be understood that the island will soon be the subject of environmental mutations conducted in depth...And finally we come to the mouflons. These have been present since the 1950s of last century and have since integrated into the natural environment causing no documented damage to the island's plant resources."


Lily's Mouflons At Risk Of Slaughter, Environmentalists: We Will Adopt Them And Bring Them To The Apuan Alps.

March 11, 2021 Manuela D’Angelo Corriere Della Sera – Firenze

"We would gladly take them in," replies Park President Alberto Putamorsi, "but we need a study to endorse the possibility. Gianluca Briccolani, a writer and mountaineer with the Florence CAI, explains, "We are adopting the mouflons, we will pay the cost of their transportation by ship and then up to the Park. We are already collecting the necessary money.


"Mouflons, No Violation The Project Protects Biodiversity."

March 10, 2021 Staff Il Tirreno

"No violation, Life project necessary to safeguard biodiversity." Mayor Sergio Ortelli responds to a question submitted by the minority of Progetto Giglio: councilors Guido Cossu and Armando Schiaffino who had asked the first citizen for enlightenment on the removal of mouflons from the island.

Isola del Giglio

"The Aliens" ... Just to Stir the Pot a Little.

March 10, 2021 Gina Magnani GiglioNews

What I observe, though, is that Nature KNOWS how to defend herself if you are not on her so much, and indeed, if she has to sacrifice a little something to continue to exist, she does so and pulls ahead, so much for the good. And another thing I have observed is that spending a lot of resources to keep plastered, rigid and always the same as itself realities is not a winning card at all.


Project Life 2018: the Minority Rep.

March 9, 2021Gruppo di Minoranza - "Progetto Giglio" GiglioNews

"Also out of political correctness, beyond any procedural considerations, we reiterate the substantial and imperative need for a prior discussion in the council. Discussion that would certainly have enriched the debate and offered food for thought that would have averted the risk (which instead, in the current state of affairs, is progressively materializing) of obtaining exactly the opposite of what is desired and indicated in the LIFE project."


A Winemaker's Appeal: Let's Save the Mouflons of Giglio Island.

March 6, 2021 Roberto Vacca Radio Firenze

Coming from Giglio Island is the appeal of Cesare Scarfò, a local winemaker, who launches a petition on to save the last remaining mouflon specimens.

Bronze Mouflon Statue

We Are Local Farmers and We Would Like to Maintain the Mouflons Here on Giglio

06 Marzo 2021 Local Farmers - Signed LetterGiglioNews

...We would like to point out that the mouflons do not pose a danger to local agriculture because to avoid the possibility of any grazing, it is sufficient to install a fence. We do not want a single mouflon to be killed. We do not want the mouflons to be taken away from Giglio.


Isola del Giglio, Animal Associations Against the Culling Of Mouflons: "There Are Alternative Solutions To Their Killing."

March 6, 2021 Rosita CipollaGreenMe

Moreover, with enormous costs that fall on the shoulders of all citizens. The LIFE Let's go Giglio project, is in fact financed with about 1.6 million euros of European and national funds, a huge amount of money that could be spent for quite other purposes instead of killing forty mouflons that by now live in symbiosis with the environment of Giglio that hosts them."


"Alien Leaf-eating Species," Lily's Mouflons At Risk of Killing. Enpa And Lav: "There Are Alternative Solutions."

March 6, 2021 Remo Sabatini Il Gazzettino

So, while the lives of the island's mouflons now seem to hang by a thread, animal welfare associations have mobilized to defend them. It is in fact of these hours, one of the communiqués drafted by Enpa and Lav where they call for saving the mouflons' lives by seeking alternative solutions. "The mouflons of Giglio," they write, have lived on the island for so many years. So much so that, by now, the residents themselves recognize them as an integral part of the territory.

Gabbie Vuote

Interview with Mariangela Corrieri, Gabbie Vuote

March 5, 2021 Roberto Vacca RVS Firenze Radio

Today we talk about the mouflons in the crosshairs of the Tuscan Archipelago National Park Authority. After Elba, now it is also the turn of those in Giglio, accused of feeding on holm oaks and thus preventing the renaturalization of the area.


"Sos Mufloni" Minority Questions Ortelli

March 5, 2021 Andrea Capitani Il Tirreno

Farmer Scarfo' created a site and promoted the petition 'Ungulates are part of a history to be cherished and preserved.' Vice President of the Park Authority, Stefano Feri says, "The mouflons are paying for man's mistakes."

La Repubblica - Mufloni

At Isola Del Giglio, Animal Welfare Associations Against Park Authority: 'Don't Kill The Mouflons'

March 4, 2021Patrik Pucciarelli La Repubblica – Firenze

They called them an alien and invasive species. Thus began the death sentence of mouflons on the island of Giglio, which has now caused some animal welfare associations such as "Vitadacani" together with the "Network of Free Animal Sanctuaries" to rise up. "Stop the culling, 97 specimens have already been killed," they denounce, pointing the accusing index finger at the Tuscan Archipelago Park Authority, which, however, acts with the approval of the municipal administration.

Antonio De Marco

Eradicating Invasive Aliens: Toward a New Witch Hunt?

March 4, 2021 Antonio De Marco Vitadacani

A read for those who still think that killing "the invader" is the solution.... "All of this provides a good example of how invasive alien species can, over time, come into balance in a new biological community, thus promoting biodiversity."


Against the Extermination of Mouflons and Rabbits on the Island of Giglio Intervenes the Vitadacani Association and the Network of Free Animal Sanctuaries

March 4, 2021 StaffMaremma News

The Park Authority's plan calls for the capture and killing of mouflons not only at Giglio but throughout the Tuscan Archipelago. At Giglio, in addition to mouflons, wild rabbits will also be captured and killed and plants such as the Ice Plant, which grow luxuriantly on the island, will be eradicated.


Life Lets Go Giglio Project: Response to Interrogation

March 4, 2021 Sergio Ortelli, Mayor of Giglio GiglioNews

"And again this was a shared intervention to protect crops that, in addition to being heroic and difficult to carry on, need to be protected from pests, as was well pointed out by the Giglio farmers when they signed a document, published in mid-February in the press, in which they marked the needs of an identity activity to be safeguarded."


Life Project 2018 Approval: Minority Interrogates

March 3, 2021Gruppo di Minoranza - "Progetto Giglio" GiglioNews

"...having taken note of the numerous and legitimate stances of individuals and associations, albeit antithetical, both locally and nationally...we ask, Your Excellency, under what act of collegiate body you have been delegated, to sign and approve the project on January 03, 2019."


Isola Del Giglio, Last 40 Mouflons Accused Of Eating Holm Oaks Sentenced To Death

March 3, 2021Staff La Nazione

Mouflons in the crosshairs of the Tuscan Archipelago National Park Authority. After Elba, it is now also the turn of those in Giglio, accused of feeding on holm oaks and thus preventing the renaturalization of the area. Much of the culling has already taken place, and only 40 individuals would currently remain.


Archipelago Park: Animal Welfare Associations Against Culling Of Mouflons

March 2, 2021 Sara d’AngeloSTAMP Toscana

This is the complaint of the association Vitadacani and the Network of Free Animal Sanctuaries. "We are available for a confrontation to find a solution that respects life on the Island or to accommodate the animals in our shelters," says Sara d'Angelo, president of Vitadacani.


Mouflons and Alien Species: The Park President's Clarifications

February 21, 2021 Giampiero Sammuri, President of the Park PNAT GiglioNews

Sammuri: "In Italy, biodiversity management and conservation has many similarities with soccer, in fact for both there is often a strong emotional component, which, in the second case is called cheering and a tendency to think one is extremely knowledgeable about the subject."


Saving the Last Mouflons in a Shared Way

February 20, 2021 Cesare Scarfò and the signatories to the petition GiglioNews

"We hope that the Park Authority and the Municipal Administration, so attentive and sensitive to the territory and its beauty, and respectful of life, will welcome this solution: no longer aim to kill even a single Mouflon of Giglio, capture the few surviving specimens without causing them any harm or suffering, and bring them back to the Miemo Reserve, where they will be well-liked and can live in freedom."

Isola del Giglio

"It brings to mind" ... No one is native

February 9, 2021 Anna Maria Bernardini GiglioNews

"What does it mean to be a Gigliese? To love the Island, to have a local identity, a typical way of being.... I think of Giglio, the Gigliese, the outsiders who live there...the mouflons and even the ice plant...will there be room for everyone? There are always 2 wolves inside us fighting, one is good, the other is bad, which wolf will win? The one you feed."

Isola del Giglio

The LAST MOUFLONS of Giglio: The Extermination Devised by the Park Authority

February 8, 2021 Cesare Scarfo' GiglioNews

"The Park Authority in agreement with the Municipal Administration, is exterminating the Mouflons here on our beautiful Island. If we do not stop their project, in a short time they will kill them all and only the statue placed on top of the Franco promontory will remain of the Mouflon."